
Blade Runner RPG Review

Blade Runner Boxed Set

The Blade Runner role-playing game markets itself as a “Neon Noir wonderland that will take your breath away.” Does it succeed? Mostly, with a few caveats. The product line comprises of either a 234-page hardcover rule book or a starter box set containing: NOTE: photos from this review feature the starter box contents. Finally, there … Read more

TTRPG Review: Pirate Borg

Pirate Borg

About This Review Pirate Borg, written by Limithron, published and distributed by Free League Publishing, joins a full deck of Mork Borg spinoffs. In this review we’ll focus on its presentation, gameplay, and determine a recommended rating. Background Morg Borg’s success has spawned incredible remixes in Cy-Borg, Vast Grimm, Points of Light, and Duck Borg, … Read more

Dungeons & Dragons 5e TTRPG Review

Dungeons & dragons 5e books and starter set

One of the first, if not the first, game that will inevitably be heard by new roleplayers just dipping their toes into the veritable sea of tabletop gaming pond is Dungeons & Dragons. Partly because of its roots as the progenitor of various roleplaying games, partially due to the rise of actual plays like Critical … Read more

FATE Core TTRPG Review

FATE Core System

Details Quick Introduction Whether you have plans to play in a high sci-fi setting or a grim-dark fantasy game, the Fate Core System has the tools you need to run a game that is character driven and filled with drama! Fate Core is a setting and genre agnostic system that is easy to learn and … Read more


Werewolf the apocolypse

“We howl, and our howl echoes Gaia’s lament. Our world, our mother, lies dying, and her murderers dance across what remains of her body, digging deeply of her wounds to forge the icons that signify to other hierophants the excess of their glee. … Do you howl with us? And against whom? Who stokes your … Read more

D&D: the differences between 5e and 4e

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (5e) and Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition (4e) are distinct editions of the beloved tabletop role-playing game. 4e made its debut in 2008, followed by the release of 5e in 2014. Each edition offers its own

Mörk Borg – TTRPG Review

Mork Borg close up

As much ink has spilled in reviews about Mork Borg as you’ll find in its splattered, blood-covered pages. The indie project, born of a zine written during an overly-long apple queue, epitomizes the rules-light, attitude-heavy genre of metal RPGs. About this Review This review focuses on the original Mork Borg hardcover, published by Free League … Read more

Monster of the Week – TTRPG Review

Have you ever watched Buffy, Supernatural, or the X-Files and wanted to be there alongside them fighting monsters and aliens? In Monster of the Week, you assume the role of archetypal characters from ‘monster of the week’ style shows and hunt down monsters in an action-horror RPG. Someone assumes the rule of the Keeper who … Read more

Call of Cthulhu Starter Set – TTRPG Review

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown” – H.P. Lovecraft In Call of Cthulhu, you take on the role of an intrepid but fragile human investigator in 1920 America as you plunge into solving mysteries and uncover bizarre or … Read more